1 May 2015 | Poultry | 2218 views

SEPRA Market Report - 1st May 2015

The market, it looks like English bank holidays are not too good for our industry as there are suddenly eggs available almost everywhere and there is a hesitation in buyers, shops etc. in anticipation of lower prices and the expected extra Free Range production is now starting to show with more coming in May.
We have heard of some cheap parcels of home produced eggs south of the border some with a price that hints of desperation, there are also some cheap German eggs Large 57p Medium 52p.
Our egg industry has had problems with fraud in the past, but now with farm ID’s and production type on every egg, traceability has been so much improved that the opportunity for fraud has been almost eliminated.
The same cannot be said for eggs in product form and until there is traceability carried over to product labelling there is always the temptation for food manufacturers to purchase the odd tanker load of egg from some other country no matter how it is produced if it is cheap enough.
Scottish Egg Quality Awards - If you have received an invitation to the dinner in Perth you are a winner, record entries this year and the quality and standards even higher.
Farmers Weekly Awards, nominations close on the 5th May if in doubt enter as Scotland has always done well in the past.