21 November 2014 | Poultry | 2820 views

SEPRA Market Report - 21st November 2014

Prices in England are still spiralling up, there are virtually no spare eggs anywhere, we have had several comments of, if we had any spare eggs they would be £3.00 per dozen.
Colony eggs are pulled up price wise by the shortage of free range, but both now are getting customer resistance to the sudden price rises, we are also hearing of supermarkets receiving short orders.
We suspect everything is balanced on a knife edge with Avian Influenza being the problem.
We have had one confirmed case in Ducks in East Yorkshire, if DEFRA manage to isolate the problem and no other outbreaks occur prices will hold and possibly firm up, but if there any other outbreaks, the media would go mad and demand and prices would go down the plughole.
We hear of DEFRA inspectors casually wondering in as if there was no problem (this would not happen in Scotland) and there recommendations for Bio-Security are somewhat pathetic and out of date with our modern industry, when you compare them with the standards required by the authorities in Holland.
This Avian Influenza outbreak has been a bit of a surprise but it shouldn’t have been.
It all comes back to Siberia and waterfowl, the hot bed of AI is the far east China and Vietnam, but waterfowl that over winter on the coast there go to the vast wet lands in Siberia, which cover the roof of the world from Asia to Europe for the summer, where they obviously meet up with the waterfowl that over winters in Holland and our East coast hence the out breaks in Germany, Holland and now our East coast.
Bird X and Pigeons Out supply an oil based gel that can be applied to roofs of buildings, branches of trees or posts that is repellent to wild birds, under the circumstances this is a product that might be of interest.