23 January 2015 | Poultry | 3239 views

SEPRA Market Report - 23rd January 2015

The market and demand appears to be starting to improve with reports of demand starting to increase but its early days yet and it is that credit card bill which will dictate what happens next.

But eggs are now the good guys and possibly too cheap in the supermarkets as often shoppers walk by the special offers or products that are too cheap as they are weary with all the propaganda promoting products.

It’s nice to see the NFU saying that there is great confidence in our poultry industry, yes there is a bit of confidence about and it does look like 2015 will be a better year financially and supply and demand will be better balanced.

But there is also problems ahead as the big supermarkets price wars with one another is forcing down prices it seems every time margins start to improve prices are forced down to compensate and right now at this point in time Britain has the cheapest eggs in Europe - but that also means no imports.