8 June 2015 | Poultry | 2276 views

SEPRA Market Report - 5th June 2015

The market is almost jumping up and down things are moving so fast, although there are sufficient supplies in the UK, Colony are pretty tight verging on scarce, but sufficient Free Range.
The World Wide AI problem is really biting and affecting our European prices our EU contact informs us that they estimate 100 million hens will be culled World Wide which is completely altering traditional sale patterns for eggs and product, now we have been informed that there are problems in Turkey.
Bio-Security is ever more important, as our Dutch friend said, there is no real problems with smallish family run farms where Bio-Security is easy and cheap, the problem is on the mega production sites with hundreds of staff and a large number of vehicles coming and going, good Bio-Security is a nightmare.
All the news is about Avian Influenza but we must not forget about Salmonella.