7 August 2015 | Poultry | 2453 views

SEPRA Market Report - 7th August 2015

The market is moving up with caution, demand for Free Range is picking up mostly through the special offers in the supermarkets; the comment is that 2 weeks ago you couldn’t give Free Range Medium away, this week you can’t get them, with Lion Code being extremely tight in supply.
The shadow of cheap eggs from the Ukraine is hovering over the EU again but we heard of a medium consignment from Spain at 58p possibly stuck in the Channel Tunnel or some immigrants for company?
The other comment is that if demand wasn’t so quiet prices would be really up, it is only 2 weeks till our Scottish schools go back and 2 weeks later in England, there is a good possibility that’s when demand will go up with eggs being such good value for money and all the good publicity and benefit from eggs.
Two of the articles this week show what a knife edge we are on with the World Wide AI problems and the consequences from a confirmed case, we are all aware in this industry how easy it is to lose money it used to be the old supply demand thing with supermarket pressure thrown in, but this AI problem could be crippling if the genie got out of the bottle in our country, we are an island nation which in the past helped but with all the people and material movement we now have Bio-Security is the best answer for prevention, as in this computerised digital world somebody somewhere puts a price on everything.