Top 20% of OSR yields achieve over 5.5 t per hectare

Results of a survey conducted among major UK oilseed rape growers to identify potential links between best crop management practice and high yields will be released during at Cereals.

Conducted during May of 2012 by United Oilseeds, the survey gathered feedback from farmers all over the country.

Full details of the survey are to be released during the Cereals event on the 13th and 14th of June.

Key findings show that the top 20% of yields were achieved by farmers who followed certain crop management methods.

“Some very clear messages have emerged from our survey which reveal how certain key practices all seem to contribute towards generating higher yields,” says Richard Elsdon, United Oilseeds Technical Manager.

“For example, one of the most significant findings was that the top 20% of yields were in excess of 5.5 tonnes per hectare or more and all resulted from using certified seed at the top end of the HGCA Recommended List.  Furthermore, all of the top 20% yields came from farms where the farmer used an accurate method to determine crop nitrogen levels in the canopy.”

The survey also showed that 63% of famers surveyed drilled conventional varieties with only 32% sowing hybrid seed.

Other findings revealed that the highest yields resulted from well-fissured seed beds that encourage root penetration and drainage, and two to three fungicide applications during the spring.

“Visitors to our stand at Cereals will be able to share the survey findings and obtain advice and guidance on what measures they can take to improve their future yields and revenue,” Mr Elsdon continues.

“As a farmer-owned business operating in the interests of our farmer members, it is appropriate that United Oilseeds should be helping farmers to maximise their crop performance and our survey is a way of helping to achieve this aim.”