UK dairy industry 'focusing too much on quantity not quality'

Much of the milk produced in the UK today is no better than 'white water', as Scottish dairy farmers are being urged to produce higher quality milk to meet demand within the cheese sector.

Wendy Barrie, founder of the Scottish Cheese Trail said most of the dairy sector needed a complete mind set change.

"I get frustrated by the enormous dairy herds and the emphasis on producing volume," she said.

Barrie advised farmers to make reductions in the size of their herds and focus on quality.

"Massive farms need heavy equipment and high maintenance but smaller units bring more biodiversity.

"Farmers could realise more value by having a mix of breeds in their herds, including Ayrshires and Jerseys.

"We saw a new cheese launched seven days ago and another two will be on stream within the next two months.

"A further six or so producers are working on cheeses which haven’t yet come to market.

"We are seeing a real growth in sustainable, environmentally friendly, local produce and it’s not just a middle class thing.

"I see plenty people at farmers markets in their twenties and thirties who’re prepared to pay a bit more to get a small portion with great flavour rather than a big chunk of industrially produced cheese which is tasteless."