Countrywide – on call for support

Countrywide, the leading UK business in the supply of products to the rural community has announced its further commitment to the rural community by adopting the Rural Stress Helpline as its chosen charity in 2008.

The newly launched Rural Stress Helpline, which is an Arthur Rank Centre project, offers a totally confidential, and non-judgmental listening service to the rural community. The service is intended to support rural people with all types of issues which may concern them, be it stress, finance, access issues or health worries.

"We were impressed by the passion shown by the Rural Stress Helpline towards supporting the rural community, which in many ways echoes Countrywide's own approach to rural life and business," explains Rebecca Barningham, Countrywide's Group Marketing Manager. "Every year we select a chosen charity, and 2008, with the launch of this service, seemed like a good time to lend our support," she added.