Double dutch confuses egg buyers

The British Egg Products Association is urging food manufacturers to make sure they are getting the product they believe they are purchasing, following confusion over terminology used in Dutch egg production.

There have been several recent reports that buyers have been buying Dutch eggs, ’scharrelei’, believing them to be free range. However, scharrelei are in fact barn eggs which are produced in a system that does not allow any access to the outside.

In light of this the British Egg Products Association has written to users of egg products to highlight the potential confusion.

Andrew Hewston, representing the British Egg Products Association, said: "We are very concerned that buyers get what they think they are paying for, so that they can avoid misleading their customers.

"It is clear that there has been some confusion, hens in the barn system cannot go outside. Specifying British free range egg products which conform to buyers’ and consumers’ expectations are widely available and will remove any possible confusion."