Going it alone not all that it's cracked up to be

Two very honest pig farmers recently caused pig building manufacturer AM Warkup to reflect on the wisdom — or otherwise — of going it alone. This refers to the desire by a significant percentage of UK pig farmers to either build, or act as main contractor, for their pig building requirements.

"It is recognised by professional builders that the pig farmer is their major competition," says Warkup's Nick MacIvor.

"The two farmers in question both built excellent finishing houses, eliminating most of the pitfalls inevitably faced in design and execution by the amateur builder. But both admitted that the price originally quoted by Warkup was in one case the same and in the other slightly more."

For that, they both had to oversee the project and guarantee the work themselves. "Co-ordination of all the different trades proved to be a real nightmare and there is no doubt that during the building process my core business of producing pig meat suffered," admitted one.

"Of course, housing manufacturers have a margin which allows them to stay in business," points out Mr MacIvor. "The bulk buying of building materials, the streamlined process of building and assembly and the extra discounts from material and component suppliers reduces or actually eliminates this margin.

"Added to this is the security of a guarantee."