United Kingdom-Mystery of the missing Bees.



The most important insect to the farming community, the honey bee is disappearing.

Australia and Argentina have government investigations in place, to try and locate the missing bees.

Hundreds of beekeepers, marched on London recently, demanding the government inquire into the problem of the missing bees. Members of the British Beekeepers Association, went to Parliament with a 140,000 signature petition.

Ivor Davies a British beekeeper said, "over the last five years the number of bees dying each winter has increased, we have no ides why, we are asking the government for funding into research into this serious problem".

The loss of bees on a global basis, that is now causing alarm, could cost the agricultural industry US$200 billion a year, as they pollinate fruit, vegetables, coffee and spice plants as well as making honey, according to Davies.