Farmers told to check if machinery is E10 compliant

Farmers can check online if their machinery and vehicles are compatible with the eco friendly grade
Farmers can check online if their machinery and vehicles are compatible with the eco friendly grade

Farmers have been urged to check their vehicles and machinery are E10 compliant following a move to the grade this summer.

The transition to E10 this summer has sparked the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) to remind those with vehicles and machinery made prior to 2011.

Currently, UK petrol is E5, meaning it contains up to 5 percent bioethanol, with E10 seeing the amount increased to 10 percent.

Petrol vehicles and machinery manufactured after 2011 and most motorcycles are E10 compatible.

However, around 5% of petrol vehicles made before 2011 will need to continue to use E5 petrol which will remain available as the super grade petrol option at pumps.

Using E10 fuel in an incompatible petrol vehicle will not cause immediate harm but continued use could damage engine parts.

As part of the DVLA campaign on E10, which launched this week, farmers can check if their vehicle is compatible using the online E10 vehicle checker.

NFU Scotland has welcomed the opportunities that switching could bring, but voices concerns about the fuel's compatibility with farm vehicles.

Whilst the Department for Transport estimates that 98% of the roadgoing fleet will be compatible, there is no information about how farm vehicles or agri equipment may be impacted by the switch.

The length of ownership of such vehicles found on farms and crofts far exceeds that of the roadgoing fleet, the union warned.

Chair of NFU Scotland’s Legal and Technical Committee, Tom French said problems such as fuel filter blockings that farmers had seen recently 'simply cannot be repeated.'

“There are concerns over the effect of the change in specifications and the new fuel’s compatibility with many of the older machines and equipment," he added.

“It is essential that end users and consumers do not have to bear any additional costs and mechanical issues associated with the switch."