Most Brits want Christmas classics over vegan choices, poll says

Sixty-four percent of people said tradition was the most important factor when planning their Christmas dinner
Sixty-four percent of people said tradition was the most important factor when planning their Christmas dinner

The British public are dreaming of a traditional Christmas, opting for classics such as roast potatoes, farm-reared turkey and gravy over more unusual dinner choices such as vegan nutroasts.

The new poll by rural insurer NFU Mutual will come as a boost to farmers and independent rural businesses providing Christmas fodder for people up and down the country.

Sixty-four percent of people said tradition was the most important factor when planning their Christmas dinner, and 74% stated roast potatoes were essential to the plate.

This was closely followed by gravy (58%), pigs-in-blankets (45%), and farm-reared turkey (37%), with 37% plumping for the humble brussels sprout.

The results suggest the traditional Christmas dinner is sacrosanct, but shockingly, over a third of those surveyed said non-traditional Yorkshire Puddings were essential.

When it comes to the centrepiece, turkey still rules the roost with 37% saying it is essential to the Christmas dinner, while 14% opted for beef.

Just four in every hundred say a vegan nutroast is essential, while a mere 3% want fish and 2% selected goose.

Hannah Binns, NFU Mutual rural affairs specialist, said British farmers and rural businesses provided the nation with "high-quality, nutritious, and affordable food, especially at Christmas".

"Our research shows roast potatoes are the most essential item for a Christmas dinner, closely followed by gravy and that festive favourite, pigs in blankets.

“Turkey was predictably the most popular centrepiece while Brussels sprouts were voted the most essential vegetable.

"Even though Brits still strive to put on the perfect Christmas roast, a third believed Yorkshire Puddings belonged on the plate, which will no doubt spark debate with traditionalists.

"The good news for British farmers and growers and other rural businesses is that they are perfectly placed to provide people's dream food throughout the festivities and into the new year.”