New survey shows half of farmers do not have in place succession planning

48 per cent of farm businesses surveyed had not identified a farming successor
48 per cent of farm businesses surveyed had not identified a farming successor

The central importance of succession on family farms has been underlined in the results of a land mobility survey.

The survey, carried out by the Young Farmers Clubs’ of Ulster (YFCU) and the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU), highlights almost half (48 per cent) of farm businesses do not have in place a farming successor.

UFU president, Barclay Bell, said it does not come as a "huge suprise", but confirms that there is rising awareness about succession planning and a land mobility scheme.

A land mobility scheme links young farmers with olders farmers seeking to retire.

The survey shows that one in five farmers said they had ‘no reason/no good reason’ for having a farming successor.

Mr Bell said families often find it difficult to talk about succession and that there is reluctance from both young and old to raise it.

"The lack of succession planning is however a risk to farm businesses and the industry as a whole," he said.

'More education and awareness needed'

Of those surveyed who had not identified a successor, 61 per cent had not sought advice or information.

The proportion of farmers in Northern Ireland over 55 years old increased from 52 per cent in 1993 to 59 per cent in 2013
The proportion of farmers in Northern Ireland over 55 years old increased from 52 per cent in 1993 to 59 per cent in 2013

But over half (53 per cent) said they would be interested in a succession/inheritance planning advisory service.

Mr Bell said that more education and awareness around options for land mobility and land consolidation are needed.

"The evidence suggests that farmers often rely on familiar short-term mechanisms, such as conacre, and largely overlook better options, such as partnership and long-term lease arrangements.

"This possibly reflects a lack of understanding and confidence," said Mr Bell.

The proportion of farmers in Northern Ireland over 55 years old increased from 52 per cent in 1993 to 59 per cent in 2013.

Over the same period, the percentage under 44 fell from 26 to 17 per cent.

YFCU president, Roberta Simmons, said this was ‘a startling trend’ and that there is ‘little doubt’ difficultly accessing land had played a role.

"Access to land or land mobility has long been an issue for young farmers.

"The aim of the research was to get a better understanding of the thinking of those who had not yet identified a successor," she said.

'Discourage' young farmers

Of the farmers surveyed, one in five who had identified a successor have planned for the transfer of the farm via a will.

The YFCU president said delaying the transfer until death could discourage young farmers from investing fully in the farm.

"This situation is of little benefit to a farm business or the wider industry.

"Our agricultural colleges are full to capacity, so it is clear many young people want a career in farming - but land mobility remains a barrier.

"This needs to be addressed with urgency. If not, the consequences will be far reaching for the entire agri-food industry," Roberta Simmons added.