Red meat as part of a balanced diet 'essential' for child health

Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) said a balanced diet was "absolutely essential" in terms of child health
Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) said a balanced diet was "absolutely essential" in terms of child health

The public have been reminded about the 'essential' role red meat plays in terms of child health and development.

It follows a report by the Academy of Medical Sciences, which stresses urgent action is needed to improve child health under five.

Obesity, which is listed as a major concern in the report, has in many cases been linked to a poor nutritional diet.

The cost of living crisis and shrinking budgets, as well as an NHS under pressure, are factors that have a detrimental impact on child health as outlined in the report.

Responding, Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) said a balanced diet was "absolutely essential" in terms of health and children.

Laura Pickup, HCC’s head of strategic marketing said: “Implementing a balanced diet, which includes the recommended amount of red meat, is essential in addressing health concerns.

"No single food contains all the nutrients we need for good health, so it’s important to eat a wide variety of different foods each day.

"However, due to it being packed with essential vitamins and minerals, a balanced diet with lean red meat at its core can help keep people of all ages healthy and happy."

She added: “Farmers here in Wales produce nutritious, sustainable and climate friendly food and our children, who are being failed by many systems, deserve better.”