Finding of potato brown rot

Potato brown rot has been found in potatoes of the variety Lady Rosetta.

The potatoes were grown in Nottinghamshire and were sampled by the Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate as part of the routine monitoring programme for potato ring rot and brown rot. Testing at the Central Science Laboratory indicated the presence of the brown rot organism by three separate methods (immunofluorescence (IF), Lateral Flow Device (LFD) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)). A tomato plant test, as required under EC legislation, has now confirmed the result.

Procedures for dealing with outbreaks of potato brown rot are outlined in an EC Control Directive, and the Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate have well established Instructions for such incidents.

These procedures have been implemented with immediate effect and include a tracing and testing programme to investigate the source of contamination and whether there has been any spread. At this early stage of the investigation, it appears that there have been no movements of the potatoes outside the UK.