Initiative keeps potato industry up to speed on latest research results

Getting the results of potato research out to the industry, especially growers, is the driving force behind a series of free, 'knowledge transfer' open days due to take place in late July. Organised by SAC the events will be held at three partner farms down the

eastern seaboard of Scotland.

Each of the three partners, representative of seed, seed and ware, and ware producers,

has agreed to try out some of the findings coming out of the latest potato research at SAC and SCRI and to host events on their farms, both in July and during the winter months. Reflecting the different nature of the partner farms the range of activities on display at the open days will vary from farm to farm.

A key feature of the new initiative will be that the host-farmers will give their views on

practical issues relating to the implementation of research findings on their farms and

visiting farmers will also be encouraged to participation in discussions.

SAC's leading potato expert, Dr Stuart Wale says, "There will be much to see in July.

Results of existing SEERAD research programmes and monitoring activities will provide

a wealth of valuable information for those coming to the open days. And, in future years,

new and innovative research outcomes from new research programmes, which got

underway in April of this year, will be tested out."

The partner farms are modelled to a degree on the successful expanding Monitor farm

concept and the open days are being held as part of SAC's SEERAD-funded Success

through Knowledge Campaign.