NFU in pan-European cereals agreement

The NFU met with representatives of the French and German cereal growers associations last week to discuss key issues facing the European cereal industry and agree on a joint plan of action. The discussions centred upon CAP implementation, growing crop and market conditions, mycotoxins and EU enlargement.

The representatives decided to actively take three options forward:

· A joint letter to the European Commission urging them to remind member state governments and organisations that cross compliance should go no further than the basic requirements of the main regulation.

· A joint submission to the Commission services dealing with food safety, pressing for thresholds on mycotoxins to be based on sound, workable scientific research.

· A joint position statement sent to the Commission reminding them of the need to ensure the existence of good consultation and representation structures at Advisory Committee level in the newly enlarged union. NFU Cereal Board Chairman Arthur Hill said: "Prospects for this year's crop look promising following the last year's poor harvest caused by the Europe wide drought.

"However cereal prices throughout the EU will continue to be driven by developments in the global marketplace. Working with the German and French cereal growers will allow us all to meet the needs of the marketplace more efficiently."