Consultation on plans for digital grain passport to soon commence

AHDB's proposal seeks to replace the existing paper passport with a digital solution
AHDB's proposal seeks to replace the existing paper passport with a digital solution

A consultation with the industry over the possible introduction of a digital passport for combinable crops will launch next week.

Digitising paper passports to improve food and feed safety data communication, through supply chains, has been discussed for more than a decade.

Over the last year a simplified version of previous proposals has been developed by AHDB's Digital Grain Passport Leadership Group, which will now be consulted on.

As part of this group, representatives from the cereals and oilseeds chain, including farmers, have been working together to create a business case.

This sets out how a digital passport system could operate, replicating the purpose of the existing paper passport.

Switching to a single, industry-wide digital passport is expected to improve data integrity and security, provide scope for real-time assurance checks and reduce costs across the supply chain, the group says.

The move is also expected to increase confidence and credibility to growers, buyers' customers, stakeholders and regulators.

A spokesperson for the Leadership Group said that substantial time has been invested in developing the business case.

The spokesperson said: “In essence this is a simple change, switching from the pieces of paper currently carried with each load across the country, to a digital equivalent in a robust, secure online system.

"Operationally it would be a marked change, and we are now keen to hear views from stakeholders across the supply chain on the proposal.”

The consultation will commence for 11 weeks, beginning on Monday 20 November and closing on 2 February 2024.

To engage with the consultation, farmers should contact their representative trade association or contact AHDB via