New code of practice to ensure safe and effective sheep dipping

Sheep scab has profound financial and welfare implications in areas where it is endemic worldwide (Photo: NADIS)
Sheep scab has profound financial and welfare implications in areas where it is endemic worldwide (Photo: NADIS)

A new code of practice will offer farmers the latest advice on effective treatment of sheep scab with organophosphate (OP) dipwash, minimising risks to users and the environment.

The Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS), in conjunction with the National Association of Agricultural Contractors (NAAC), unveiled the new code on Wednesday.

It has been launched to help farmers and dipping contractors work in partnership to ensure high standards are met.

Confirmation of resistance in sheep scab mites to the injectable macrocyclic lactone (ML) scab treatments, coupled with increasing concern that the use of these products is accelerating resistance to the MLs in gut-worm populations, means more farmers have been turning to OP dipping.

In contrast, the number of farmers with their own dipping facilities has continued to fall, due to tighter regulation of the purchase, use and disposal of OP dipwash.

This means they have increasingly been turning to professional mobile dipping contractors – highlighting the need for support to those service providers.

Sheep scab is a major source of economic loss in affected flocks and a serious threat to sheep welfare. OP dips help control a number of external parasites, including scab mites.

Phil Stocker, National Sheep Association (NSA) chief executive, said the new code of practice had the backing of organisations throughout the sheep industry.

“If we are to safeguard the future of OP dips against the risk of scab mites developing resistance to the dip and protect the people involved and the environment, we must ensure dipping is carried out properly," he added.

Bryan Lovegrove of the Animal Health Distributors Association (AHDA) supports this view: “The code brings clarity and understanding to what is required in the safe storage, prescribing and use of OP dips by both contractors and sheep farmers

"OP dip is a vital treatment against sheep scab and the code will encourage best practice,” Mr Lovegrove added.

The Code of Practice is available on the SCOPS website, where there is also information on the partners involved in the initiative.