Two new woodland schemes open for Welsh farmers

Both schemes will provide grants towards tree planting and 12 years of maintenance support (Photo: Welsh government)
Both schemes will provide grants towards tree planting and 12 years of maintenance support (Photo: Welsh government)

A new £32 million fund has been launched to help Welsh farmers plant 86 million trees by the end of the decade to curb climate change.

Two new schemes, the Small Grants Woodland Creation scheme and the Woodland Creation Grant, have opened for applications.

The Small Grants scheme simplifies funding for farmers to plant small areas of trees on land under two hectares, which is agriculturally improved or of low environmental value.

Funding is available for tree planting to create shelterwoods, alongside watercourses, and in field corners or small fields for stock shelter, biodiversity and wood fuel.

The Woodland Creation Grant offers funding for tree planting and fencing to farmers who have a woodland creation plan.

There are also maintenance and premium payments to ensure the trees establish.

Both schemes will provide grants towards tree planting, fencing and gates and twelve years of maintenance support.

The budget for the two schemes is £2m for the first application window this year, with £30m available for the following two years.

The announcement follows a short review carried out by the Welsh government which looked at removing barriers to woodland creation.

According to the Welsh government, 43,000 hectares of new woodland is needed by the end of this decade to make the country net zero by 2050.

Minister for Climate Change Julie James said: “We want farmers in Wales to be central to our plans. They know their land better than anybody else.

"To ensure the sustainability of their business, we will leave decisions around where trees should be planted entirely with them.

"As long as they meet the UK Forestry Standard, we are on hand to offer the support they may need."

The first application window opened on 30 August 2022 and closes on 14 October 2022 for both schemes.

The schemes will then open for applications every three months.