22 February 2017 | NFU | 84794 views

NFU Feeding the Future report

Farming Knowledge Centre

22 February 2017 | NFU | 84794 views

NFU Feeding the Future report

A new report from the NFU urges Government and research providers to invest in agricultural R&D and to enable British farmers to use the latest technologies. The report, Feeding the Future, Fou...

8 February 2017 | Poultry | 85862 views

Defra: Planned controls in England from 28 February 2017 PDF

The Government has agreed to act to avoid a crisis in the free range egg industry by lifting the housing order imposed to protect against avian influenza....

6 February 2017 | Crops and Cereals | 93416 views

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 3rd Febuary 2017

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 3rd Febuary 2017...

6 February 2017 | Arable | 93845 views

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 3rd February 2017

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 3rd February 2017...

27 January 2017 | Arable | 93510 views

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 27th January 2017

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 27th January 2017...

27 January 2017 | Crops and Cereals | 94219 views

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 27th January 2017

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 27th January 2017...

13 January 2017 | Arable | 94545 views

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 13th January 2017

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 13th January 2017...

13 January 2017 | Crops and Cereals | 94818 views

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 13th January 2017

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 13th January 2017...

9 January 2017 | Finance | 85843 views

Multi-national farmers' Confidence Index - 2016Q3

New Copa & Cogeca survey and Eurostat farm income estimates for 2016 confirm difficult situation hitting EU farmers...

6 January 2017 | Arable | 94869 views

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 6th January 2017

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 6th January 2017...

6 January 2017 | Crops and Cereals | 94275 views

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 6th January 2017

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 6th January 2017...

16 December 2016 | Arable | 79140 views

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 16th December 2016

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 16th December 2016...

16 December 2016 | Crops and Cereals | 78132 views

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 16th December 2016

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 16th December 2016...

9 December 2016 | Arable | 74834 views

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 9th December 2016

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 9th December 2016...

9 December 2016 | Crops and Cereals | 77381 views

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 9th December 2016

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 9th December 2016...

2 December 2016 | Arable | 77557 views

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 2nd December 2016

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 2nd December 2016...

2 December 2016 | Crops and Cereals | 74472 views

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 2nd December 2016

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 2nd December 2016...

26 November 2016 | Arable | 77634 views

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 26th November 2016

Gleadell Market Report - Fertiliser 26th November 2016...

26 November 2016 | Crops and Cereals | 77034 views

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 26th November 2016

Gleadell Market Report - Wheat and Oilseed Rape 26th November 2016...

24 November 2016 | Dairy | 20261 views

Brexit and the future of dairy exports report

Dairy UK examined the potential impacts of leaving the European Union and highlighted the importance of maintaining access to the EU market, avoiding border issues with Ireland and developing new free...