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8 February 2017 | Poultry | 85980 views

Defra: Planned controls in England from 28 February 2017 PDF

8 February 2017 | Poultry | 85980 views

Defra: Planned controls in England from 28 February 2017 PDF

The Government has agreed to act to avoid a crisis in the free range egg industry by lifting the housing order imposed to protect against avian influenza....

4 May 2016 | Poultry | 11134 views

H7N7 Avian Influenza of high pathogenicity in poultry in Italy

Preliminary Outbreak Assessment The Italian Authorities have reported an outbreak of H7N7 HPAI in commercial chicken layers in Ferrara region (OIE, 2016; see map). All 17,000 birds have been humane...

11 January 2016 | Poultry | 8940 views

SEPRA Market Report 11th January 2016

The market, is in a mess, with a small degree of panic, an awful lot of Free Range have suddenly appeared , it looks like consumers in the post- Christmas New Year financial depression have cut back m...

18 December 2015 | Poultry | 8714 views

SEPRA Market Report 18th December 2015

The market is somewhere between confusing and messy, although Scottish and UK prices are showing a no change there seems to be a lot of Colony sloshing about and looking for a home, there is always a ...

14 December 2015 | Poultry | 7764 views

SEPRA Market Report 11th December 2015

The market it is a bit peculiar, Central Egg and some wholesale/Packers are pulling down the price of Colony, but nobody seems to have surplus eggs, one wonders why, as everyone that we have contacted...

8 December 2015 | Poultry | 6693 views

SEPRA Market Report 4th December 2015

The market is a bit hesitant, a bit of lack of demand possibly linked to bacon and sausages bad publicity of late, Colony is still the weakest with Free Range still tight, the smaller shops have been ...

27 November 2015 | Poultry | 6713 views

SEPRA Market Report 27th November 2015

The market a much bigger split between Free Range and Colony, if you have any surplus Free Range especially Lion Code say it very quietly or you will be trampled to death in the rush, they are simply ...

26 November 2015 | Poultry | 8023 views

Beak Trimming Action Group Review

Laying hens have a tendency to peck, which, if redirected to the plumage and skin of other birds, leads to injury. ‘Injurious pecking’ is defined by FeatherWel1 as comprising gentle and se...

20 November 2015 | Poultry | 6463 views

SEPRA Market Report 20th November 2015

The market, a smidgen quieter this week, which is allowing everyone to catch up a bit. Northern Ireland has put 2p on Large and Medium for next week which is a good sign. One of the reasons that dem...

13 November 2015 | Poultry | 6676 views

SEPRA Market Report 13th November 2015

The market, prices are moving on with more next week, there is no surplus of Free Range and Colony is rapidly drying up only competition and pressure from the big retailers is holding prices down. On...

6 November 2015 | Poultry | 5874 views

SEPRA Market Report 6th November 2015

The market, a lot of people saying their egg stores are pretty well empty, so the eggs have gone somewhere, 1 comment is they have been throwing them at each other at Halloween!!! Prices are verging ...

30 October 2015 | Poultry | 6339 views

SEPRA Market Report 30th October 2015

The market is on the move with it looks like a lot more to come especially in Free Range which are very scarce and in particular Small which are just not there and non -existent Small can’t move...

23 October 2015 | Poultry | 6888 views

SEPRA Market Report 23rd October 2015

The market, the word is expectant, as it looks like prices are moving up, even when it is no change, the discounting has stopped, we expect more changes next week, there is no Lion code Free Range spa...

19 October 2015 | Poultry | 6073 views

SEPRA Market Report 16th October 2015

The market, demand is still quietish with prices holding on, slight adjustment here and there with a wee bit of weakening on Continental prices and we heard of some Spanish Mediums at 58p. Consensus ...

9 October 2015 | Poultry | 6127 views

SEPRA Market Report 9th October 2015

The market, demand quietish most people sitting on the fence as demand and prices will firm up after the next 2 weeks, the exception is Central Egg, the big special offers of Free Range in the superma...

2 October 2015 | Poultry | 5773 views

SEPRA Market Report 2nd October 2015

The market is steady but quiet, with most people sitting on the fence price wise , as demand will pick up, the differentials between Colony and Free Range is increasing partly through the special offe...

25 September 2015 | Poultry | 6288 views

SEPRA Market Report 25th September 2015

The market, fairly quiet but that is expected as we are now in the transition period from summer to winter eating habits, but it is only a month till the clocks change and consumption starts to pick u...

18 September 2015 | Poultry | 6860 views

SEPRA Market Report 18th September 2015

Apology we had a computer glitch a few months ago and somehow lost the email addresses of over 40 of our members, after receiving numerous phone calls and emails we have now found the problem so if yo...

11 September 2015 | Poultry | 6081 views

SEPRA Market Report 11th September 2015

The market is quitter but steady, it looks like readjusting and a bit of politics in the changes this week,  Central Egg have reduced the price on Colony but don’t really have any, but the ...

7 September 2015 | Poultry | 6175 views

SEPRA Market Report 4th September 2015

The market is steady and showing signs that it might firm up, there is optimism on the Continent that prices and demand will firm up and stay good until at least Christmas.   In the UK market E...